“Father, into your hands we commit their spirit”. During the tenth anniversary of the Linate tragedy, the current Chaplain Father Fabrizio Martello wanted to honour the memory of the victims replacing the board with the victims’ names with a ‘gravestone’.
Instead of marble or stone, a Plexiglas plate was decided upon that suggests the image of an open book onto which the names of the victims are ‘transparently’ engraved. A coloured mosaic strip highlights the centre of the book that from intense blue progresses into light blue and pink reminding us of dawn. Some tiles have rainbow colours. The writing is presented between two thin golden borders. From the pages of this “ideal book” a tree grows (on top, in bronze) on which a ladder leans, taking our eyes towards the moon and the universe, towards the Mystery, the Infinite and the Transcendent.
This artwork was revealed in 2011.